Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Knock, Knock, Knock

Ugh! I hate door to door salesmen, they always come when the big guy is out. I have a No Solicitation sign and never answer my door to people I don't know, and yet they come at all hours of the day. Although their favorite is nap time, just as I'm putting Annette to sleep and feeling drowsy and cozy they start to knock, and ring the doorbell. So my adrenaline and I jump up and there goes that warm afternoon feeling all in one swoop.

There I had to get that out.

Once when Paul was out late there was a knock on the door, at 10:30 at night! I was in the middle of watching Heroes (not the best thing to see by yourself at night if you are as jumpy as I am.) when I heard a knock, knock at the door. I immediately called Paul, who was near by, while peeling myself off the ceiling and looking out the up stairs window. Paul started for home as I called the police, describing the man who had come, my situation (three small kids at home and one scared mama) and that the door knocking fiend was now at the neighbors!

I love 911! They calmed me right down and stayed on the line, and after some quick investigation found that it was a Policeman checking out a noise complaint next door. Our very nice neighborhood policeman came back over and while I still on with 911 he introduced himself, asked if I was OK and apologized for scaring me. He also said that I had absolutely done the right thing and if it were to happen again to follow the same protocol. Even as an adult woman not opening the door and reporting it immediately is the right thing to do, they want us to. You never know if it is a real officer and calling it in will let you know. Better safe than sorry.

I felt like a ninny, but a safer one for knowing what to do.

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