I'll start by saying Happy New Year, and no I have not made any resolutions. Not that I am not striving everyday to improve myself, because most days I am trying, but that just keeping up with my kids really keeps me busy enough and being a mother of young active children is really like being in a refiners fire on most days. And I love every minute, even the hard ones.
One thing I am doing as a continuation of last year is to work on frugality and becoming more aware of what we use and how it affects our live health and budget. Really we are just trying to go back to the way things used to be done, things that were good for us, healthy and productive. With Paul's business we have become more environmentally friendly with the products he uses and that has happened for the past few years into our home use as well. I have come to think that one of the best things in the world is baking soda, is there anything it can't clean? Probably, but I haven't found it yet! (If any of you have any great "green" and cost saving cleaning tips let me know I'm always looking for more. And if you are interested in what I am doing and have tried let me know.) I have once again embraced baking into my life and enjoying making bread and all sorts of different things from scratch. (Any great bean recipes out there??)
No resolutions this year but plenty of goals old and new to fulfill, children to chase after, and dreams to follow.
Who needs resolutions? We're supposed to be growing every day whether we resolve to or not!
I'd love your frugal/healthy tips. We have gone off gluten at our house and what a difference it is making!
Love to all!
I have also started making my own bread. I am saving up for a Bosch mixer. Hopefully I will be able to upgrade in the near future! There is an interesting blog called passionatehomemaking.com about going back to the basics and living green and on a budget.
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