I have a mouse in my house. It sound like the first line in a great children's book right? Unfortunately for me it is true. I awoke around 4:30 yesterday morning to the sound of gnawing coming through my ceiling and the pitter patter of little feet. (Oh how I wish they had come from one of the kids.) After waking Paul from a sound sleep to confirm my fears and telling him to call Marty our nice exterminator friend. We lay there trying to block out the thought of a mouse above our heads, and I started thinking about the story of "Pa" in Little Town on the Prairie dreaming of getting his hair cut, only to find out a mouse was shearing away, creating a bald spot. Not a good place to go. So I started thinking of our upcoming trip to Disneyland home of the most famous mouse on the planet. It occurred to me then that old Donald had gotten kind of a raw deal. I mean what would you rather have in your home, Mickey and Minnie making a nest in your walls filling them with baby mice, or a cute duck padding around quacking. Donald should have better publicists. Of course I then started thinking (as can only happen in the wee smalls) about the other popular Disney characters staying in your home:
Cinderella : A princess who no longer does floors, helps mice escape, invites them to stay and makes clothes for them. Sorry princess you will have to stay with someone else.
Snow White: Same deal only she also invites questionable strangers into your house when you turn your back.
Sleeping Beauty: Name says it all : the gal who naps all day, harmless but really no help.
Tinker Bell: Often cranky she flies around spreading dust. I have enough of that already thank you very much!
I'm sure I could think of more, but you get the idea. Despite it all they are still my favorite characters, and I kind of prefer them to Donald, only because he was given a difficult roll to play opposite a really lucky mouse.
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